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Roy'al: Kill Monsters, Save Royals

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Prince Alexander copy.png
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     In a distant land and a distant time mysterious rifts began to open.  Bridging the peaceful land of Europa with a dangerous land of monsters and black magic.  These rifts take the form of dungeons, hulking constructs and cave that now speckle the countryside, and monsters pour forth from their fortified portals raiding villages and kidnapping members of royal family for Arcane Rituals and Black Magics.


     It is your duty as a noble lord to banish these monsters from the land and rescue the captive royals in hopes of restoring Europa to it's peaceful beginnings.  You accomplish this goal by raiding dungeons, with companions and equipment to help you slay the monsters inside and save the captive Royals.  However if you want the glory and reward that comes from saving the kingdom you must keep your fellow lords and ladies from slaying more monsters and saving more royals than you.  Send orcs to kidnap royals and bring them to your camp, or send a mimic to lure them into a false dungeon that yields them no reward but fallen companions.


Let fortune find you lord, and misfortune befall your enemies

Gracing the world since 2015, with the help of

All Images and Textures are original works unless otherwise stated

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